
MS41.X Custom Engine Software


Custom software allows users to choose the modifications desired for their specific builds. If you need assistance please reach us at info@OBDsource.com.
Compatible Models:

E36: 323, 325, 328, M3

Z3: 2.3, 2.5, 2.8, M

Modification available:
-EWS delete
-Rear 02 sensor disable
-EVAP DTCs disable
-SAP disable
-Speed limiter removal
-Max rev limiter
-Disable catalytic converter DTCs
-Manual or Auto
**Service only, customer is responsible for sending the DME to be modified. Return shipping included in the price.
Please include the modification that you want in the order notes field or send an email with the order number to sales@OBDSource.com
Note: modified software calibrations are intended for off-road use only. Please refer to our “policies & warranty” page for more information.